★ Sengkang LRT ★
One Room for One Person

- Wifi Internet
- Sheng Siong Nearby
- Aircon (+$50,9.30pm to 6.30am)
- Cooking (+$50)
- No Smoking
For More Info, Contact 83510525
one common room with private toilet for rent

Common room with private toilet for rent at Ranggung LRT one stop to Sengkang MRT
- Fully furnished with Air-Con
- Suitable for the person who prefer quiet...
One common with private Toilet (Long/Short Term) near Sengkang MRT

Common room with private toilet for rent at Ranggung LRT one stop to Sengkang MRT
- Fully furnished with Air-Con
- Suitable for the person who prefer quiet...
One common room for rent with private Toilet @ Sengkang

Looking for Single or Couple to rent one common room with private Toilet at Sengkang
-Whole Unit only 3 or 4 person only (including you)
- Near Sengkang...
One common room for Rent, 5mins walk to Sengkang MRT

Looking for one male roommate. Clean and nice room with aircon
5 mins walk to SENGKANG MRT and Compass Point mall.
Cooking allowed, Aircon and WIFI...
1 male common room mate for rent at near sengkang mrt

Looking for one male roommate. Clean and nice room with aircon
5 mins walk to SENGKANG MRT and Compass Point mall.
Cooking allowed, Aircon and WIFI...
Peaceful Cozy High Room for Rent

Beautiful room with a nice view. Quiet clean and peaceful. 2 owners and 1 other tenant are all working professionals. Owners have a small beloved cute dog in...
One Common Room for Rent near Farmway LRT which is linked 2 Stops to Seng Kang MRT Station

-3 mins walk to Farmway LRT which is linked
2 Stops to Seng Kang MRT Station
-Cooking is allowed
-2 persons per common room
-Near Sengkang Sports...
One Common Room for Rent near Farmway LRT which is linked 2 stops to Seng Kang MRT Station

-3 mins walk to Farmway LRT which is linked
2 Stops to Seng Kang MRT Station
-Cooking is allowed
-2 persons per common room
-Near Sengkang Sports...